... (anirik_01) wrote,

Когда Торонто был....

сплошной парковкой.

БлогТоронто опубликовал серию фотографий 80-х годов. На мой взгляд, очень впечатляет.
Я увидела город в середине 90-х. И тогда он уже сильно отличался от этих фотографий. Многие "пустоты были застроены офисными зданиями. это то что строили в  то время.

И сейчас в городе довольно много паркингов, но их стало гораздо меньше за время последнего строительного бума после 2000 года, зато появилось много кондоминимумов . Это то, что строят сейчас))))))

Toronto Parking Lot Town Demolition

The area around the St. Lawrence Market


Toronto 1960s

Queen's Quay and Lower Jarvis / Sherbourne area, 1960s (the current site of the Corus Quay building)

Toronto 1960s

Parking lot beside the old north building at the St. Lawrence Market, pre-1968

Wellington and Yonge Toronto

Parking lot near Wellington and Yonge, 1960s

Aerial view Toronto 1967

Aerial view of downtown Toronto, 1967 (note the parking areas to the west of the Financial District)

City Hall Toronto

Parking across from City Hall, late 1960s

Toronto Harbour 1980s

Area between Bay and Yonge south of Front, late 1960s

Market District Toronto

Parking lots abound around the St. Lawrence Market, 1970s

CN Tower Toronto

View from the CN Tower, mid 1970s

CN Tower Toronto
View from the CN Tower, mid 1970s

First Canadian Place

First Canadian Place and area around King and Bay, 1976

Toronto Harbour 1980s

Area around the Harbour Commision Building, 1980s (current site of the ACC is at the bottom left of the photo)

Yorkville 1980s

Bellair between Bloor and Cumberland, 1980s

Skydome 1990s

Parking lots around the newly built Dome, early 1990s

Toronto 1980s

Wellington and John area, 1980s

Toronto 1990s
Blue Jays Way and Front (Spadina at the right of picture), early 1990s


Photos from the Toronto Archives with the exception of the one depicting First Canadian Place, which is from Panda Associates

Tags: urban, ~canada, ~toronto

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